Mike Neles Trucking is a bonded truck broker specializing in the construction transportation industry.SERVICES INCLUDE:

Mike Neles Trucking is a bonded truck broker specializing in the construction transportation industry.


10 Wheel Dump Units10-12 yard, 15 ton payload. These Peterbilt’s are the workhorses of this fleet, hauling asphalt, gravel, rock and dirt every day.

10 Wheel Dump Units

10-12 yard, 15 ton payload. These Peterbilt’s are the workhorses of this fleet, hauling asphalt, gravel, rock and dirt every day.

Transfer Dump Units5 axle, 20-24 yard capacity. Maximum load without loss of maneuverability.

Transfer Dump Units

5 axle, 20-24 yard capacity. Maximum load without loss of maneuverability.

Mike Neles Trucking Semi-End Dump

Semi-End Dumps

5 Axle, 20 yard capacity.

Mike Neles Trucking Super Tag

Super Tags

3rd Rear Axle for Max Payload.

Mike Neles Trucking Flat Bed

Flat Beds

Backhoe’s, graders, commercial building material, our flat beds can handle heavy equipment and supply transfers up to 40,000 pounds.